Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Call me crazy but I have always had high expectations for life.
This desire of mine has led me down some crazy wonderful paths.
Last week I found out why I am the way I am and I am ever grateful!
All of the prophets teach the same thing
Faith. Repentance. Baptism. Gift of the Holey Ghost. Enduring to the End.
Why do we have faith?
Why do we want to repent?
Why is baptism so important?
How can the gift of the Holy Ghost help us?
And do we really need to endure to the end?
These questions can be likened unto a road map.
We are at point A at the start of our life.
We want to go to point C by the end.
But in order to get there we need to go through B.
Point A: We want to live with God again.
Point C: Gods work and glory is for us to live with him again.
Therefore we need to go through B: “Keep my commandments and endure to the end and ye shall have eternal life.”
Point A is our vision for life
Point B is the discipline it will take to achieve it
Point C is where God would have us be. Our Destiny.
Vision + Discipline= Destiny
Do you have a vision of what you want your life to be like?
And do you have the discipline to achieve your destiny?
I know the lord is bound to bless us when we do what he says.
“Your future is as bright as your faith.”
-Thomas S. Monson
On top of a hill in the rain and still there are more mountains to climb!

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